Thursday, February 22, 2007

Chomsky on Iran, Iraq, and the Rest of the World

Nice Chomsky Interview by Michael Shank in FPIF

Clear analysis of the Iraq/Iran situation and more.
Just read it.

1 comment:

UpDog! said...

Great thoughts on the Lebanese invasion (US-Israeli); sweet tie in with the cluster bombs discussed some months back. Military strategies and govt. propaganda make the lay man a mere pawn appealing to his base instincts to gain support for their actions--e.g., the kidnapping of 2 Israeli soldiers to justify the Lebanese attack. Wonder what the Iran or Venezuelan story might be?

Arms control -- How true, ironic and sad that only if arms control is more profitable than weapons R&D will it work.

Chomsky is very matter of fact and even while describing the most depressing of futures seems to have an undertone of hope; optimism that maybe stems from a belief in an innate good in man, no?