Saturday, October 14, 2006

Top 10 reasons to stop watching cricket (or spectator sports)

When you watch cricket, you are a passive observer. The main goal of a cricket telecast is advertisement, not sport. The advertisements are more sophisticated and effective than the Indian cricket team will ever be. Do you really wish to be subjected to movie stars pimping for giant multinationals ?
  1. It's a spectator sport. Spending inordinate amounts of time watching cricket keeps you from doing things that really matter (for yourself or for others)
  2. Cricket builds up irrational attitudes of submission to authority and group cohesion.
  3. All people have an innate need to use their intelligence. Fans have an astounding knowledge of all aspects of cricket. They talk about cricket with extreme confidence. This intelligence is better used elsewhere. The reason people spend extravagant amounts of time watching cricket is because of limited opportunities to participate in other arenas more relevant to their life (such as politics, civic planning, social issues etc.). At a local level ... Try to stop that giant mall that's opening up right in front of your house. You'll immediately feel the iron fist of the government and corporations right in your face. At a global level ...What if you voice your opinions on the "South Asian peace pipeline" for example ? Would you opinion matter ? But any cricket discussion always generates the liveliest of discussions which unfortunately doesn't matter in any real sense. Speak up against cricket and you'll possibly be flamed to death.
  4. You have no say in the team selection process. In fact, even the coach may not have a say in the selection process. What does that say about possible corruption at high levels in the cricketing organization ? How do regional selection quotas make any sense ? And don't even get started with hangers-on in the team who are well past their prime and just going for records.
  5. At some point, you have to ask the following questions of yourself.: Do I know anyone on the team personally ? Do they care about me ? Then why should I ? Does the country care about me ? How does this make my life better ? How does this make anyone else's life better ? What can I do instead of spending days watching this stuff ?
  6. Cricket builds up irrational jingoistic attitudes. This can be clearly seen in any India-Pakistan match. A defeat in such a game is somehow seen as a personal defeat, a blow to your manhood
  7. True, cricket is a rallying point. But for a negative cause. The cause in this case being completely irrelevant to you life or to your community. Moreover, it is more likely that people watch cricket at home in isolation. Cricket is a rallying point for war. Dwight Eisenhower famously said, "The true mission of American sports is to prepare young men for war." 
  8. Cricket is one of several indoctrination techniques. Implicit in cricket is the suggestion that you must hate Pakistan on and off the field. Cricket makes people increasingly unaware of the corrupt nature of it's own government.
  9. Match Fixing ? This was the final nail in the coffin for me personally. I don't know if it still exists, but the scandal is a perfect example of the player's and the system's priorities.Note that these arguments apply equally to any spectator sport, so my points aren't directed solely at cricket as if I had a personal vendetta. Cricket just happens to be a familiar sport to me and I'm aware of India's attitudes towards cricket. Neither do I care too much about specific players. The probability of them being corrupt within a corrupt system is very high.

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