Sunday, September 20, 2015

War Criminal Logic

War Criminal Logic #10: "Look, it’s better than Dresden."

War Criminal Logic #9: "We need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards."

War Criminal Logic #8: "We have a moral responsibility to act."

War Criminal Logic #7: "Failure to act will carry a far greater price."

War Criminal Logic #6: "We're only protecting our interests in the region."

War Criminal Logic #5: "We possess an excess of righteousness and disinterested benevolence."

War Criminal Logic #4: "We do not seek to expand the reach of our institutions by force, subversion or repression."

War Criminal Logic #3: "We represent an idealistic New World bent on ending inhumanity."

War Criminal Logic #2: "If we're not part of the Peace Process, then it's not a Peace Process."

War Criminal Logic #1: "We don't commit war crimes, only others do."

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