Here is a list of documentaries on various topics I've watched in the last 3 months or so.
(war and profiteering)
The War Tapes
Iraq In Fragments
Iraq for Sale
The demolition of Iraq in full swing.
In Debt We Trust
Maxed Out
Usury at its most despicable. Watch elected representatives nauseously submit to credit card company executives. It'll make you vomit all over yourself (oh, that's right, can't lose those campaign contributions)
The Future of Food
(don't miss the special features which are incredibly tedious yet required listening)
(political process)
An Unreasonable Man
Nader is cool. And no, he did not cost the Democratic "Impeachment is off the Table" Party the 2000 elections. Although, the clowns/morons at The Nation will dumbly insist ad nauseum.
The Big Buy
Ah, the despicable Hammer finally gets nailed! I derived some perverse pleasure out of this one.
(big picture)
Imperial Grand Strategy
The Grand Plan. We're fucked.
Manufactured Landscapes
Brutal Beauty. Grotesque yet fascinating.
(finally ....just plain cool )
Planet Earth - Complete BBC Series. Good complement to 'Manufactured Landscapes' above.
2 words .. Snow Leopard !
Check out the preview on Amazon
(on my list)
Paradise Now